Losing the past
Nature (vol. 497, 16 May 2013, 313-314)
Nature (vol. 497, 16 May 2013, 313-314)
in anderen Sprachen
In Memoriam Wim Hofstee (1936-2021)
De Psycholoog (nr 1, januari 2022)
Seahorses in the blob
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Lithium: the gripping history of a psychiatric success story
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Probing the genetics of the mind
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From meat to mind
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Our useful inability to see reality
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Verkorte versie van lezing tijdens de Nacht van de filosofie
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Een fotografisch geheugen
De 'hypnoseroman'
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Listening in on yourself
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Oliver Sacks (1933-2015). Neurologist who made house calls
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In the blink of an I
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Halving it all
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Over tijd in dromen
Eye on fiction: Generic images of autism
The Psychologist (vol. 27, October 2014, 768-769)
Losing the past
Nature (vol. 497, 16 May 2013, 313-314)
Wevend brein
Autisme en kunst
It’s alright, I’m a doctor
Grensoverschrijding in de wetenschap
Gall's Visit to The Netherlands
Journal of the History of the Neurosciences (vol. 20, 2011, 135-150)
De nulmeridiaan van oud
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Ben ik dit?
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Style (vol. 43, 2009, 3, 429-441)
Stereotypes of autism: On media representations of autism
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B (27 May 2009, vol. 364, no. 1522, 1475-1480)
As if time had slipped a cog
American Journal of Psychology (119, no. 3, Fall 2006, 506-510)
A ship, gradually lowering sail
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Het verdriet van de kosmopoliet
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The tracks of thought
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The graphic strategy: the uses and functions of illustrations in Wundt’s Grundzűge der physiologischen Psychologie
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In pursuit of precision: the calibration of minds and machines in late nineteenth-century psychology
Annals of Science (vol 57, 2000, 1, 1-25)
An early Dutch study on déjà vu experiences
Psychological Medicine (vol. 23, 1993, 17-26)